Upgrades on Stores

  • which is extremely low for raw production and maybe the others... i think for raw its usally around 1 extra ore/wood/oil per turn.... i mean if you got the cash to go up 10 times it would probally help.. but if u had that cash you wouldnt need to...

  • If you need the building for a longer time, it is very useful. You cannot build more buildings than 100, so you need it future. 10 upgrades increases the factory output by 100%, that has an effect like 2 factories...

  • @ EPDJ - look on your map (build menu),

    you see each raw marerial is limitted - the highest raw places i ever had was 46.

    believe me - if you go further and reach level 50 of research you MUST upgrade for your industrie :)

    @ anrky - the building limit of 100 includes the warehouses to - so if you build 3 warehouses you have only 97 buildings for you industries


  • I found that upgrading is quite nice

    I'we only been playing for a week or maybe one and a half, but this far I allready have about 30 buildings on level 5 (and the rest are nearly all upgraded atleast 1 or 2 levels as well)

    For the question regarding Store-upgrading, the 5% upgrade wouldnt be detected for the first few upgrades, since the number of sold products are often not big enough.. eg. :
    Upgrade a store from level 0 to level 1,

    Say the store sells 7 Wine a month at level 0
    At level 1 the store will sell 7,35 wine (but ofcourse the customers wouldnt go about buying thirds of bottles of wine,) so even at level 1, the sale will still be merely 7 Wine
    But with goods like Bread, where the monthly sale is maybe 18 or so for a level 0 shop, the upgrade of the store WILL be noticeable, since the numbers are bigger

    About the limit to 100 buildings
    The reason why the limit is 100 buildings is that (I'm told) in the older versions of the game, some people would have things like 10,000 buildings and through this becomming far too powerfull/rich

    EDIT:: (I didnt know the limit of 100 buildings myself, until I hit it.. Then I got the explaination -that I wrote above- when I wrote an email asking about this, to STDOK, one of the game-helpers)