Cafe Goods and others

  • I realize that I am posting in the German Forum...maybe someone could translate for me :)

    I am producing every 24 WU....

    528 Cocoa @ QL 4

    216 Coffee @ QL 6

    1032 White Coffee @ QL 0

    and also producing

    528 Books @ QL 0

    I am opening up for offers and will forward either once or twice daily. Feel free to respond here or by instant message.

    I also produce many other items and do not have any shops and only work
    as a supplier right now. I have items for DIY shop, Cafe, Textiles,
    Print, Electronics, Toy Shops, Hardware Shores, Plastics, Oil, Rubber,

  • Katzenfutter verkauft:

    528 Kakao QL 4 (Werte jeweils pro TAG)
    126 Kaffee QL 6
    1032 Milchkaffee QL 0

    und 528 Bücher QL 0

    Er hat keinen Shop und arbeitet nur als Lieferant.
    Weitere Produkte sind:
    Baumarktprodukte, Cafe - Produkte, Textilprodukte, Drucker, Elektronische Geräte, Spielwaren, Haushaltswaren (?) und Plastik, Öl, Gummi
    Print, Electronics, Toy Shops, Hardware Shores, Plastics, Oil, Rubber,
    Einfach bei CATFOOD melden. (Slow, vermute ich)