Question about the manual /best Vendor score

  • The wiki says:


    ..... The amount of points also relates to the price the products are sold at.
    Basis of calculation (norm sales price * amount sold) – (norm. sales price * amount produced)

    How does the score depend on the actual price the goods are sold at? In the formula only the normal sale price is included.

  • I don't think the sale price of an item has anything to do with vendor score or manufacturing score. As far as I can tell, they are calculated from normal price. So, I suspect it's a case where the wiki is not as clear as it could be.

  • Why does selling 97 Tricycles results in Manufacturing score "-15" and Vendor score "+39".
    The tricycles are bought from the market (NOT manufactured).

    According to the formula in the manual the result should be totaly different.

  • You sold 97 tricycles.
    You manufactured no tricycles.
    Suppose the vendor score values a tricycle at 0.4031.
    You would then score (97-0)*0.4031 = 39.1 vendor points.

    Suppose the manufacture score values a tricycle at 0.155 points.
    You would then score (0-97)*0.155 = -15.0 manufacture points.

    Unfortunately, I do not know how to calculate what the vendor or manufacture points are for a product.
    Last round, the vendor points seemed to be the average selling price of a product at QL0.
    I could never figure out what the manufacture points are based on. However I do know that products that are not sold still get you manufacture points without affecting the vendor score.