Change in Vendor Score

  • Has there been a change in the way that vendor score is calculated? In the past if you sold all of the items that you created that could be sold in a store in your stores your vendor score would be zero. I've done that this round as I have many times before but I have a large negative vendor score.

  • Well dok, maybe you could check this out because I think I detect a change. I've done this routine in previous rounds and it worked much differently then.

    Here's the routine. I set up a textile shop and made wool, shoes, and knitting needles. I also sold all my finished goods in the shops on the same round in which they were made. Because none of the materials* used to make these products can be sold in stores and all my finished products were sold immediately I always maintained a zero vendor score.

    This round when I returned to my computer after a few hours on this plan I noticed that I had an empty product warehouse (as it should be) but a vendor score of -33.

    From what I can tell this is either a bug or a change. Since you've said that there's no change I think it's a bug.

    *Just to clarify the materials are oil, rubber, plastic, and leather. The production of these materials has never in the past lead to negative vendor score. Also the production of finished goods that are immediately sold in your own store in the same round has never in the past lead to a negative vendor score. Since those were the only things I did in the early part of the round and I had a negative vendor score, a change has happened.

  • i tend to agree with jikco and one stroke there is definitely something that doesnot seem quiet right. For me it seems to have raised its head just after level 24. I was starting to pull back my negative and was quiet confident that i would be soon positive but it seems to be going the oppisite way again. Main industries are as normal toys for vendor, electrical main industry and household selling all except tissuse but selling glass for vendor.

    any thoughts would greatly be appreciated

    kind regards


    ashby inc.