
  • I think I made a mistake, but I'm not sure.

    I built a farm and left it in standstill until the beginning of the month it's supposed to seed. It should have seeded 5/122 and harvest 12/122.

    But when I look at the page, it says next seeding 5/123 and next harvest 12/123. So now I'm wondering whether I needed to take it out of standstill the month before the seeding. It looks as though I won't get a harvest this year after all, unless I'm misunderstanding this.
    So... did I mess that up? If so, I'd rather put it back into standstill since it won't do a thing but cost money for another year.

  • I guess the problem lies on the month concept. The wu is pratically 0:00 of the first day of that month (that is wu between 4/xx and 5/xx is the 0:00 of May 1 or 24:00 of April 30). If you treat it that way, you would understand the situation of farms and forward transaction a lot easier.

    To answer your question, yes you need to change the setting the month before to get anything out of a farm. It is like giving an order to the workers to come to work the next month, and your secretary make the call for you at the wu. If you do it in 5/xx, the next wu is the beginning of 6/xx already. As a result, seeding time (the hour of 5/xx) is missed. Frankly, the cost of farm is not that high. I think you could spare 2~3k a wu just to make sure you have harvest ;) .

    D,D&D SP 8)
    Both normal round & speedround

    "When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be disappointed to discover they are not it."
    --Bernard Bailey

  • Ah, now I understand! And now that I read your response, it does make a lot of sense that way.

    Truthfully, I'm better off making my mistakes and learning from them this round. It's my first one, and I started it late, so I consider it more or less just practice. I'm already a huge fan.

    I thank you once again, dktc! :)