Beiträge von Kahla

    You're very welcome, Ghiby. Don't hesitate to post if you come up with any more questions. Or you can always try asking on chat. There aren't always English-speaking people on the chat channel, but it never hurts to try. :thumbup:

    Ah, I responded to this in your other thread. Ruse is right. Rule of thumb for QL 0 products is to multiply the norm price (which you can find by looking at the SUDE) by 1.5 - as long as it isn't already oversupplied, that should work, but if not, just lower it a little at a time until your products sell.

    Once you start using products with over 0 QL, that changes a bit -

    ((QL/100)+1.5)*norm=selling price

    As with QL 0 products, if it's oversupplied, you may need to lower your prices further in order to sell the maximum amount.

    The only two things that I can think of would be if you somehow forgot to build a shop (my son did that once) or that maybe you set your prices too high.

    Rule of thumb for prices is to multiply the norm price by 1.5 as long as you're selling QL 0 products.

    It's been my experience that at the very beginning of a new round, it isn't worth it to produce raw materials for the purpose of selling them on the market. At that point, everyone has plenty of open map space, and not much money to pay for things. Raw materials tend to go for very low prices, sometimes for even less than it cost to make them. If I make little bits of extra this or that, I can unload them onto the market in order to offset my manufacturing costs, which is helpful, but I don't expect it to pad my income in any real way. Finished products can sell a little better, but generally not for very high prices. Again, people are short on cash and their focus is on multiplying it.

    You can certainly watch for gaps in the market and take advantage of them, but it's a bit risky - you could find that other players are pretty much making their own and there isn't much demand for that material. I would suggest making your shops your main source of income at that point. If you try supplying something that doesn't turn out well, your shops can keep you afloat while you try something else.

    The cafe is fairly safe, and if it went well for you last time, I would think it would do the same for you next round. It isn't as volatile as some other shops, and it isn't glutted with tons of people in it, driving down the prices by leaps and bounds. On the other hand, that also means less people who need products that you want to sell on the market, too.

    As for upgrading buildings, I generally tend to not bother until I'm bumping up against that 100 map space limit. There are exceptions to that. Usually it makes more sense to throw in another building in order to get those last few units of something rather than to upgrade enough to achieve the same, and just toss the little bit of excess on the market to help offset my manufacturing costs. Now and then, I decide I'm better off upgrading something. Look at the cost of upgrading versus the cost of throwing in another building, and also consider the downtime as well. Can you make do without what that building produces while it's upgrading? If you can't, can you count on getting it at a reasonable price from the market in the meantime?

    From one round to the next, some things will repeat, some won't. Players who've been here awhile often tend to find what works for them and then repeat it in future rounds. BUT we all tend to finetune things according to what's currently needed/oversupplied, etc. For instance, metals in general tend to go up in price toward the very end of a round. Due to the map space limitation, people are squeezing out their materials buildings and buying from other people. On the other hand, copper wire may yield the best return and steel just middling one round, and the next round it's exactly the opposite. Our fellow players are watching the market and trying to take advantage of opportunities that present themselves, and that can make for a fairly volatile market at times.

    That old saying "don't put all your eggs in one basket" is a good rule of thumb here. You're generally safer if you have several things going rather than putting all your resources into a very narrow field. Things can change drastically from one day to the next. Today everyone may be having trouble getting all the steel they need - tomorrow many of those players may decide to take advantage of the opportunity and start producing and selling it themselves. Not only is there suddenly a lot more supply, but there's fewer who still need to buy it - the price dives and there's tons of it just moldering on the market page. Some buildings can be converted to other products when drastic market changes occur. A steel mill can be switched to several different types of metal if steel goes sour, for instance.

    Now there's a thought. If the delay was only applied to the multiple purchase, then those of us with terminally slow connections could still opt to use the (no delay) single purchase method. As long as the high-speed people didn't find the delay more annoying than it's worth, it sounds as though it would even out the disadvantage to our slower speed players. Very interesting idea, Dave.

    To calculate the cost of manufacturing, you do indeed need to include the cost of the resources.

    If I want to figure out what my coffee is costing me to make, I have to add up:

    • cost of making iron ore
    • cost of converting iron to steel
    • cost of converting steel to cans
    • cost of coffee beans purchased from harbor
    • cost of converting cans and coffee beans into coffee

    If I'm purchasing any of my materials from the market, then I pick an average for what I normally pay. That about covers it as far as determining things like what price you can pay for materials or what price you can charge on the market and still make a reasonable profit.

    Now, if you want to dig a little deeper, I like to divide profit by the number of buildings it takes to manufacture it. That way I can tell which products will net me the best 'profit per plot'. It doesn't take long before those 100 map spots are filled. Some products can look really attractive only until you do those figures.

    I can't answer about the wiki - I recently returned after losing my hard drive and all the IT records and spreadsheets I had on it (groan), so I'm starting from scratch again.

    Obviously, there's no motivation factor necessary when selling higher QL products in a shop. Your profit margin is higher - you charge a higher price while paying the same manufacturing costs (assuming you're using your own materials and not buying them at higher QL).

    As for other players buying products, it all comes down to the best deal available. When I'm looking for products on the market, I'll choose whatever QL gives me the best profit margin, as long as there's enough of it to be worthwhile. If I can make more profit selling QL 37 than QL 0, I'll buy it. As for those players who are willing to buy things to sell at a loss in order to improve their score, then they'll go for the smallest loss, of course.

    On the other hand, the specific situation can affect my decision. If I want to stock up for while I'm out, and there's plenty of that QL 0 and not enough of the QL 37 to last me, I'll take the smaller profits in order to keep my SV up. Or if I'm already producing some of that product myself and just need some extra to fulfill my shop's needs, then I'm more likely to want to buy it at a QL closer to what I produce on my own.

    Because my product at higher QL is worth more than at QL 0 for the same cost, I have more margin to work with. I can set a price for the market that allows the buyer more profit, and I still make more profit than I did when I produced it at QL 0.

    Win XP the home edition

    If you can't reproduce it, then I wonder whether my security suite might be the real problem - I'm using a new one since I've been back. It's the CA Security Center, and I imagine either the firewall or filter in that package could be interfering. In that case, I'd probably need to get different ones in order to resolve this.

    Over the last few days (I was absent before that for several months), I've been experiencing problems with the Buildings page When I select multiple buildings and then click a button (such as 'choose product'), I get 'page cannot be found'. I usually end up needing to 'visit' each building to make my changes one by one.

    I haven't seen anyone else mention this problem, so I think it may be a situation where the game and my browser just aren't getting along. I use Maxthon 1.6.3 (build 80) Unicode. I used this same browser before my absence without any problems, but perhaps some coding on the page was changed in the interim.

    Hi everyone! It's good to be back. My computer was down for repairs, but thankfully, it's fixed now.

    Unfortunately, I can't access the game's chat. No doubt, it's my new firewall or virus program, one of the two, because as soon as it connects, it automatically disconnects again, and clicking on reconnect does nothing. I've downloaded mIRC in the hopes that I can connect that way, but I'm not used to it, so it's taking me some time to figure out. Can anyone tell me the server, port, and channel name? Hopefully, once I get those, I'll be able to figure out how to plug them in so I can pop in and say hello!

    You heard it here, folks, a real live "that's what she said" joke from Dave. lmao

    Actually, that would be a bit more convenient, having it at the top instead. I like that idea.

    The classified ad was a great idea, and I want to thank the programmers for implementing it. Not only is it generally handy for what it does, but it also goes a long way toward overcoming the language barrier. I can trade with people who don't speak English! :thumbup:

    It's the size of your shipments that's killing you.

    Transportation costs (from the Manual) -
    Deliveries to other companies:
    1-100 units: 12%
    over 100 units: 12% + (every batch of 100 above that gets another 1% tacked on)

    So for 200 units, it's 13%, for 300 units, it's 14%... for 900 units it's 20%, if I'm reading that correctly.

    You can save yourself a fair amount of cash by sending multiple shipments of no more than 100 units.

    Contact me if you're interested in setting up a deal. Unfortunately, I only speak English. I swear one of these days I ought to take a class to learn German. :P

    I can use up to 80 quartz sand or 80 glass per WU, and I'll pay max price for either (or a combination of the two up to 80 per WU).

    Happy tycooning!