• Okay this pisses me off a bit...

    i'm trying to sell my excess TV B/W


    min: 90455 | norm: 41238 | max: 150758

    Minimum 90,000!? nobody is going to buy them...

    I think you current method of calculating the price needs to be adjusted so 1 person can't throw this all out of wack...

  • Well, the problem ist not that people can sell at a high price, but people bying this very expencive stuff.

    Ich möchte mit meinen Posts im Normalfall niemand beleidigen/kritisieren/anflamen/etc. sofern ich dies nicht ausdrücklich erwähne.
    Sollte ich jemandem zu nahe treten, bitte per PN darauf ansprechen, damit ich es entsprechend abändern kann.

  • the problem in above case is that people have NOT bought at the high price.. - they have bought on average at aproximately 41k, which SHOULD then result in minimum price at 41k * [some factor] and a maximum price of 41k * [some other factor]

    Now I THINK I figured out what's gone wrong in the case.. (the same case goes for Grapes right now.. :
    minimum price 10k normal price 7k max price 16k

    I THINK it goes something like this:
    market check what goods are for sale, and see the price
    over 12-24 hours, the market adjust to the goods that has been for sale during the past 12-24 hours..
    then putting up minimum/maximum price to where it 'should' be..

    now the problem COULD occur, IF the market does not recognize the difference between goods 'for' sale and goods that 'has been' sold.
    If say, I put up goods at max price and someone else puts up for example 10% of my amount of goods, at minimum price, then the market would adjust the price to that, right? ok, but then - nobody buys my goods, but the other guys goods get sold, so what happens?
    well, the market would after 12-24 hours, see that the price should be higher, since I was only one offering about 95% of the total goods, and thus 'my price' would be the 'main price' - result: price for minimum and maximum would go up, but the 'normal price' (sold goods) would be the price that was minimum price prior (since the other guy was the only one ACTUALLY selling)

    This could be the interpretation that leads to these odd cases..

    Ofcourse what I wrote above is speculations - we'll need some of the crewbosses to tell how things REALLY happens :D

  • thats weird, this should be reported to the bug report post not here.

    I run SK Inc. pretty good for a 14 year old.

    "Things I say are not complaints, but suggestions or ideas." - Peter Bae (me!)

    "Don't smoke!" - some1
    "Don't smoke, please." - Peter Bae, BE NICER

  • cant you sell that in the eletronics shop that you can build? that gives you a constant income.

    I run SK Inc. pretty good for a 14 year old.

    "Things I say are not complaints, but suggestions or ideas." - Peter Bae (me!)

    "Don't smoke!" - some1
    "Don't smoke, please." - Peter Bae, BE NICER