Can't get out of the negatives, need help

  • I have reset my game several times now. I just started a few days ago. I followed the tutorial thread above, built what it said and I am always in the negatives. I am losing 20k and hour/month. Is the tutorial out of date or am I doing something wrong. Everything but the wheat farm and factory is at 100%. Wheat and factory I dropped to 50% because the bread wasn't selling. I am also not selling eggs and milk in the grocery, so I have to put some in the market.

    Any advise would be really helpful.
    Gypsy V

  • If your shops do not sell a thing, prices for the products are set too high.

    Try to set a lower price until the products are sold. If everything is sold, you'll make profit I guess.


  • Well I did realize my market prices were to low and I could set them much higher and still sell them. So I also changed my shop prices to a similar price. Haven't checked in yet, so I don't know if it worked.