Sorting Lists

  • It would be nice to be able to sort the lists (example...whos online, postion, etc) by some different criteria. For example, I often look who is online to forward some of my goods to for faster payment as they can respond hopefully immediately. So to be able to sort that list alphabetically by player name rather than just sign-up date would be nice. As well, with the same list, being able to sort by mentor, admin, supporter would be nice too as I can then send a message to them if I have a question about some aspect of the game. It may also be a nice feature to not only list the country of origin but also the primary language spoken and any secondary language as well. I often have used a translation program for this but it would be nice to know before I send the message because then I can avoid the responses in Deutsch or another language. I think all players would find the primary language addition helpful. The only downside I can see with this feature is that I may not connect with someone that I would have otherwise. Like ayas for example...we trade often but we cannot communicate well with each other. I would obviously still trade with others but it would ease the message process. Maybe you could install a automatic language translator! 8o 8o 8o I know that's asking for a lot, but it would be cool!