Experation Dates Of Warehouse Goods

  • The Thread Where Jik Mentioned Expiration Dates Got Me Thinking About This One =]

    seems a bit mad that technically i could randomly buy 1 milk and then keep it for the full 170 odd years haha

    this would also encourage more healthy market due to everyone wanting to make a profit but before there product goes off, obviously this would only affect some things in the very short term but you can say that motor cars rust after 4 years in the warehouse

    the tricky part it if you have say a 100 eggs that run out in 2 months but you buy 100 that run out in 3 months would it mean it will run out in 3 months (2.5 rounded up), it would be something

    NO i got it the QL should just deteriorate over time ... hmm maybe not sure if QL should deteriorate or if there should be another index system for when stuff is automatically destroyed cause its no good to anyone

    being awake for 29 hours really gets you thinking =]

    and sorry if im flooding the suggestion box (so to speak)

    -----edited 15 mins later---------

    OK i think i got it, first the QL goes down to 0 after so long then once it hits 0 then there is a time scale for each to get demolished

    i would really love to work on this idea actually haha but for complex math things i just make massive spreadsheet formulas and stuff that i don't think can be integrated with the game (am i right??)

    anyway i think its my best idea so far =p

    -----edited 42 mins later---------

    This also gave me another idea that can intergrate with this which would be QL of the warehouse so the higher the QL of the warehouse the longer your goods would last in it because you would have the right equipment such as better fridges or better made barrels to keep oil in etc.....

    -----edited 74 mins later---------

    So i made a formula for it since i have nothing better to do at 4am (my time)

    A1 = warehouse QL
    A2 = product QL

    Rate of QL Loss = A2-((A2*0.15)/A1)

    E.g. If You Made Luxury Motor Cars (Normal Price - 218515)

    then its 15% drop a month divided by the quality of the warehouse
    So QL would drop as follows if the Warehouse was QL 1 and Product QL was 100

    Month 1 = 100, Month 2 = 85, Month 3 = 72......... Month 34 = 0 (2.8 years game time)

    If the warehouse was 50 instead

    Month 1 = 100, Month 2 = 100, Month 3 = 99......... Month 1765 = 0 (147 years game time)

    So if they totally researched the QL of the warehouse to level 50 then you have plenty of time before there is any real damage from a some inevitable rust etc.... it would take 37 months till the car got to 90 QL meaning you only really loose about £20,000 if you say cant get to the computer for roughly 4 days and even with a 2 week holiday you only look £88,000 a car, if shops are valued at 150 and you have maxed the price in the shops.
    so if you just find out a rough % that is generous to most items so the game isn't to hard

    but for this to work nothing could start out with 0 quality, it would have to start at 1 and when it got to 0 you cant sell it and it gets demolished within a time frame like 4 WU

    i have though about this way to much but it has amused me so yer just several interlinked ideas =]