Economical cycles

  • First, I believe the developers are doing one hell of a good job with all the recent features that makes IT an interesting game yet slightly addictive (therefore not so much of a girlfriend on my back!).

    Second, I like to think that IT is an economical simulation that let’s you buy and sell product according to Adam Smith’s theories, which is nicely accomplished. On the other hand, if one thing is for sure, the financial world we live in is quite unpredictable, which is definitely not the case in IT. The future in IT is too predictable! One will always know how much product he will sell and to what price. Therefore, I think there should be economical cycles that would spice-up the game play. Although I’m not too sure how it could be accomplished, these economical cycles would last a certain time (WU) and would favor and/or penalize certain business (Grocery, furniture, etc…) or even single products (milk is one the demand while oil is at the slow pace).

    This is an idea from the top of my head which leaves a lot to be resolved, but for sure, IT would be less predictable.


  • I understand what your saying,

    while reading through your response i thought it could be something like the news from around the world but every so often in the paper there are things like the government has to put up tax on motor cars due to green house gases being higher than normal, or theres bird flu in china so eggs rise, so you have news events instantly affecting the products

    for added complexity depending on the country the problem is in depends how badly prices are affected

    great idea =]