Confirmation page for building upgrades

  • I would really like to see a confirmation page added to the building upgrade button.

    I'm one of those people who sometimes accidentally hits upgrade when I really just want to visit. You'd think after having made that mistake a few times, I'd be careful enough not to do it again. But when it's the wee hours of the morning and I'm getting over-tired, that's when it happens. Imagine finally getting a product system running perfectly and then when you mean to activate your last building, you accidentally click upgrade to level 9. Yup, that's what I did last time. Doh!

  • You would get to a point where you would not make that mistake anymore :D ... either by playing IT long enough... or did it enough times to know not to click on a building (even try to visit one) within 2 hours of getting out or into your bed ;) . I am one of the laters :P . This is a good idea though.

    D,D&D SP 8)
    Both normal round & speedround

    "When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be disappointed to discover they are not it."
    --Bernard Bailey

  • Unfortunately, the longest bits of playing time I have are right before and after bed. Other than that, I can only jump in for a few minutes here and there. So let's hope I do learn not to do it over time! I'll cross my fingers. lol