• Dear Admins,

    Can you guys include "READ THE MANUAL BEFORE STARTING" in the account activation email (not just "you can find the manual in..."). If you can, please do it in red, bold and supersized!!

    Another thing is that we really need to set up the FAQ for in game (at least for the english part). It is not a ... eh... easy job (i don't want to say unpleasant :rolleyes: ) to explain the game to newbies. I would even go as far as volunteering to write the Q&A although someone would have to translate it into German and put both versions on the site :P


    P.S. to other players, next time you say "rtfm", say it in full... because some newbies don't even understand that :P

    D,D&D SP 8)
    Both normal round & speedround

    "When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be disappointed to discover they are not it."
    --Bernard Bailey

  • First off, the tutorial is good... but it is not showing up (under the default setting of threads posted within 100 days) and isn't even completed (as said by the tutor)... so thanks for bringing it up. Next, the faq maybe a little different as it will provide addition info to that tutorial and will not be a step by step walk through (read the manual or that thread for that!!). The questions from newbies may not be necessarily limited to that walk through. So far the Q&A have cover different info than the tutorial did. Thirdly, the faq page for in-game in portal is "under construction", so why not?

    D,D&D SP 8)
    Both normal round & speedround

    "When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be disappointed to discover they are not it."
    --Bernard Bailey

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