I'm unable to figure out selling

  • ;( ;(Title says it all. I tried for a couple hours, but I just seem to be building up a wonderful supply of stuff in my warehouse, no automatic sales. Though I think I've figured out how to send stuff to market, that's about it. ?(

  • You will sell in shop? Then the price can be to high. And the products must be in the product warehouse.
    You will sell on market? Go in the warehouse. There you have the "ok"-buttons. Then will be open a new window. You must sell at least 10 pieces.

  • Forgot to reset the destination to the product warehouses after I reset, was missing shops before I reset (DOH), but have one now. I think I've got it handled, but we'll have to wait for the next WU to tell. . .

  • Well, not . . . er . . . not like it was supposed to.
    Product warehouse is completely empty, raw materials warehouse (because I was overproducing) was almost at capacity, sold that on the market instantly.

    I dunno, I have no product though I was overproducing according to my production log, yet my balance sheets show no income. . .

    (The following added later during editing: )

    Step by step guide to how I got lost :(:

    I observed the SUDE upon entering the game and decided I'd try to go for paper products. . .
    So I bought a complete paper set up, (we'll talk in terms of single purchases though I bought several camps)

    So I buy a raw material building, raw mat. process building, factory, and shop. . .
    I cut wood (sends stuff to the raw material warehouse)
    then make paper (same)
    then make copy-books (send to Product warehouse)
    where logically it should be grabbed by my shops. . . I thought.

    Prices were set based on BASE sale value even though the price is currently elevated a ways above that, yet I don't sell even 1 according to balance sheet.

    My raw materials warehouse (since I figured I could always sell excess wood I would produce) is stocked up quite well, my product warehouse is completely empty. Production log says (I think) that I am in fact producing the paper and etc that I think I should be, but my shop shows no sign of sales neither through its "Buildings" view nor on the balance sheet.

    (Final Edit: . . . hopefully)
    Well, this may not have affected anyone not trying to produce paper (I HAD to go for the one I'd have trouble with). . . but I expected there to be need for only one type of building of each "level" of production. I'd read a little quick and didn't notice I'd need a sawmill (second raw mat. processing). Kinda glazed over that. . . selling just fine now. heh, I wondered what those very excited little symbols next to the buildings down the line from the "sawmill" meant. :P

    I could delete this, but suppose I should leave it as a warning to other dopes like myself.