Changing production

  • In line with the Research-quality issues posted in another thread, I came to think about... the oddity that it cost absolutely nothing to totally alter an industry's production..

    Take a Steelwork
    After a certain research level, it has several options of production..
    Steel, Copper Wire, Aluminium, Highgrade Steel

    Well, if you initially start a production of Steel, then you purchase 1 type of equipment for that. But I am 100% sure that the same equipment would never do as Aluminium production equipment..

    So perhaps implementing a cost of change on productionlines (production initializations) would be a good idea?
    (First time you initialize a production, it could either be free, or cost something, maybe lower cost than second-change - depending on what the goal is for you developers)

    Just a thought for another money-sink, which is so badly needed in this simulator :]

  • i wouldnt like that change in the games :(

    I run SK Inc. pretty good for a 14 year old.

    "Things I say are not complaints, but suggestions or ideas." - Peter Bae (me!)

    "Don't smoke!" - some1
    "Don't smoke, please." - Peter Bae, BE NICER

  • hehe ;)
    This 'shouldnt' be what you like, it should be what is "real" (since this isnt a game, but a simulator)
    It would make you actually have to think about what kind of idustry you are setting up, exactly as you would have to in the real world.
    Thus this alteration would remove the ability of just beeing able to change production every minute without cost, or atleast make you think twice before making a discission.

  • nice idea tbh!

    and the shifting of production should take some time.

    e.g. the lower the level of the steel works, the longer it takes to change from on e product to another.

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