Printer and other above max sude price products

  • I see Printer as a product that has a high price (well over max sude price).
    I know other products have a selling price over the max sude price too. People buy them to compete for points. What are the products you buy over sude's price?
    If there is genuine demand for those products I would be willing to produce some of them and change my strategy of this round and following rounds...

  • Tires. I buy loads of tires for 45,000. Right now I buy 130 tires/wu. I try this each round, but usually there is not enough supply to meet demand. I think JiK will buy a lot of tires at this price too. I know he's complained about there never being enough supply.

  • Tires are good.
    Good profit.
    The thing is, they use rubber and steel as supply. Steel being one of the most used material in lots of things. So, if you don't supply your own steel, you would need a lot of warehouses and/or be online to restock on steel.
    I will produce more tires next round.