• I was thinking about Sugar Cane as suggestion of new product. It´s a product with large importance in the world history. Mostly planted in South America and Carribean Islands, from 1560 to 1900, it was the key of development and main good of exportation of many countries and colonies. Nowadays it ´s a basic product that can be used as raw material for a lot of industrial goods, for mass consuption in all World.

    The chain of development:

    = Raw Material:
    Sugar Cane will work as raw material, which can be done in Farms.
    Price: begin as $3000. Mass production.
    Level Research: 0.

    = Semi-finished:
    Can be transformed in Refined White Sugar and Alcohol, which can be done in Sugar Mills

    Obs: Refined White Sugar can be sold in Shops.

    = End Products:

    -Fueling Station:
    The Alcohol can be transformed in Ethanol, and be sold as fuel (bio-fuel).
    Price: begin as $ 8000.
    Level reaserch: lvl 15/20.

    The Refined White Sugar can be used to make general cakes and candies.
    Price of RWS: begin as $6000.
    Level Research: 0/3.

    The Alcohol can be used to make Rum.
    Price: begin as $7000.
    Level Research: 10.

    Directly from the raw material (Sugar Cane) it´s possible to make Sugar Cane Juice.
    Price: begin as $6000.
    Level Research: 5/9.

    Thats some examples for use of Sugar. For sure there is much more. Its just the begging idea.

    What you CEOs and IT-Supporter thinking?

    Best Regards,
    F. Fernandes.

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