Tires Wanted - 45,000

  • OK, when they lowered the sales quantity for the car dealer all the prices for cars and their parts went down. Not to fear because tires still make a killing. Why will I buy tires for 45K when I can only sell engines for 25K, and luxury car bodies for 45K. Because I'm going for score, not money. Yes, you have to make money to make score, but you also need to have a positive vendor score. Well, tires drive down my vendor score so I'll pay just ridiculous prices for tires. Now all you have to do is make the tires and watch the money roll in...

    BTW, I'll buy 140 tires per wu (3360 per day)


    PS. A level 10 factory making tires will make about 300K per square per wu. If you could have all your factories making tires you'd profit 30M/wu. That's about twice what I make. So, just buy up some of that cheap steel and rubber from the market and turn out some expensive tires. :thumbup: