Researching QL

  • Hmm. Researching QL has skyrocketed for me compared to last round. What used to cost me 1.500.000 per WU now costs me 6.832.000, and no, I haven't upgraded my research buildings at all. I must be missing something, but I didn't see anything in the info about this, and I didn't see any announcement saying that the costs would be calculated any differently this round.

    So help this poor addled old lady out and tell me what I'm not seeing. :P I'm sure it's something simple that just isn't sinking in at the moment. This is going to make researching a LOT tougher to do. Oy.


    EDIT -- Well, I went back and read that part of the Manual yet again, and I did miss something, so I calculated it incorrectly. This is one of those times when better eyesight would be handy - I missed the part where you have to square the target QL. I'll have to get my math wiz son to help me figure it out in the future. LOL

  • FYI, this is what I have for research costs per wu for a level 0 facility.

    Target QL / Cost per wu
    6 536,000
    12 644,000
    18 824,000
    24 1,076,000
    30 1,400,000
    36 1,796,000
    42 2,264,000
    48 2,804,000
    54 3,416,000
    60 4,100,000
    66 4,856,000
    72 5,684,000
    78 6,584,000
    84 7,556,000
    90 8,600,000
    95 9,525,000
    100 10,500,000

    Now your son can get back to being a guitar hero :P

  • Thanks Dave. It's been too long since I was in school and I couldn't remember how to square a number. How pathetic is that? :P But the son is definitely handy for giving me formulas when I've forgotten how to do them.

    By the way, you're a good judge of age - Guitar Hero is his current favorite. LOL