Puzzling shop sales

  • Maybe someone here can explain this, because I haven't been able to figure it out.

    I have four of the same shop, selling all items at exactly the same prices. There is more than enough of all items in the product warehouse to supply them all. Yet ONE out of the four is selling less of every item.

    All of these items are over 100% on the SUDE, but I would think that if it was a result of needing to lower my store prices, ALL of the shops would sell fewer, rather than only one. Or am I wrong on that?

  • (I am going to assume that your shopping value is 150 in all four shops)

    This can sometimes happen... If your prices are set very close to the limit, IT will randomize sales per shop rather than spreading them evenly.

    You could try to lower all prices slightly or offering an even wider variety of products, or just live with it.

  • Thanks for the reply, Replikant. You were right. My prices must have been just a little high. I tried lowering the ones that were the most over-supplied on the SUDE by 10-20 and it worked. All four stores are selling everything at the same (maximum) volume now. =)