Round-reset 01.05.

  • The current round #9 will be reset on April, 30th 2007 at midnight CEST. The last WU will take place at midnight.
    The first WU of the new round will happen May,1st 2007 at noon CEST. However the Reset will take a bit longer this time since two servers will receive security updates.

    As usual, all of the researched product quality will be taken over to round #10. Every player will start with 2.500.000 in cash. All buildings will be gone and you may/have to generate a new map.

    The current Speedround #5 will also be reset and #6 will begin. Same deal as the main game, just that first WU will be at 12:05 CEST (so 5 minutes after noon).

    Have fun and success in the upcoming round(s)!
    The IT-Team