Kinda need help.

  • The best thing to do ist to build a complete production chain from raw goods over to semi finished goods to final products and then selling them in a shop. This provides a constant income which you can re-invest and make your company grow.

    To find out what you need to make which product see here:

    Keep in mind that all factories take their goods from the raw goods warehouse while shops take them from the product warehouse.

    For further questions feel free to ask anyone in the chat.

  • I do the same thing, but I always end up being just over 6k in debt per month no matter how many times I try 8o

    I've read the guide on the other thread and followed it exactly too... but still in debt every month ?(

  • Hmm you should be on the right path...

    Make sure you dont dramatically overproduce any goods or products... they cause extra storage costs and are "dead capital".

    Also try to sell a variety of products in your shop to ensure that the shopping value does not drop

  • Preferably anything that requires cheap raw material (cost) and has a margin that is quite high (profitability)...

    Cheap raw material allows you to buy off market instead of producing it. In turns you have a bit more cash to invest in more factories. Some people suggest having the whole product chain to retain all earnings to yourself. However, if you can sell your product more than triple the price that of its raw material (ie, the margin can cover twice as much raw material and more), why not build 2 factories and buy the raw material off market? Most importantly is the product can be sold in a shop that you have (to ensure quick turnover of $) and you need to watch your cash closely.

    normally I would suggest icecream... milk is cheap... but then, I don't like competition :rolleyes: so stay away from it :P

    D,D&D SP 8)
    Both normal round & speedround

    "When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be disappointed to discover they are not it."
    --Bernard Bailey