shops sell less?

  • I created a line for making newspapers, and noticed that I could only sell half of what I made with only one bookstore, so i built another one beside my first. Why is it that one demand is only 1/3 of my other store's?

    EDIT: I destroyed the bookstore that sold much less, and built another one in another spot. Why is it that this new one now has more demand than the other one? I looked, and saw that its shopping worth was at 100, while the other's was at 91. Is this because of placement, or is it because one is getting old? My older one at 91 is by my factories. Could that have had an effect on the shopping worth? Now I'm all confused, mainly because the demand went down by 1 on my old shop!


    Drake Ind.

    Supplier of fine, simple goods;)

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Drake ()

  • The shopping worth is an indicator for the desirability of your shop and is metered in %.

    If this number is is below 100 you can only sell less than before.

    To increase this number take care of your offered procducts in this shop:
    If the shop is designed to sell 5 products but you will only sell one of them, your shopping worth will decrease very fast.
    Try to offer at least 1/3 of all products of your shops.

    And a hint:
    If you have a shop and your prices are to high, you won't sell the max, because the virtual people won't pay as much as you want them to pay.
    Therefore a second shop won't double your sells, because what's to expensive for them, they can not buy ;)

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    X ist Arbeit, Y ist Muße und Z heißt Mundhalten."
    Albert Einstein