Beiträge von RedViper

    Kann mir jemand raten, was die Änderungen an den besten Anbieter Berechnung wurden oder Verlinken mich auf eine Stelle unter Angabe.

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    I for one hate games that need / use alliances. All that social networking is not for me. It just becomes a fight to see who can make the biggest gang.

    Its the main reason I like this game although having someone who can provide bauxite, steel etc would be nice of course.

    Agree with your other points, it's just a race to cars followed by careful management of the ROI table (thats how I did it last anyway, not working so well this time).

    If there were more options than just cars I'd like a way to convert factories between industries rather than knock them down and start again, the ROI hit of knocking down a level 10 building and building up another is too much to allow flexibility, something like an upgrade with an 8 wu downtime for the factory/shop to convert industries would be better. (that would be quite nice now actually).

    Has anything changed / gone wrong in best vendor,

    A few of the top scores dont seem possible from my understanding of how its calculated.

    eg Scheni has scored 180000 in 10 wu's with 13 stores, thats 1384 per shop per wu.

    A level 10 car dealer at sw 150 could sell a maximum of 3.4million at the sude quoted normal prices, I think the factor for sales to points is about 10,000 giving a maximum of 340 per shop per wu.

    I cant see any shop type with a total sales amount better than cars.

    Stora has hidden reserves, last time when Top Barms over took him he really stepped his scoring up so no counting chickens.

    I dont think you can research QL and go for the title as the building maintenance costs really hurt your ROI score.

    I'm looking forward to the run in, this will be my first proper go at the title.