Beiträge von ikea7788

    So.. lets say i get 180 000 points in my overall score at the end of the round. Where will that put me in the alltime chart and how many points will i get in the alltime chart? I still can not understand that last part because the 1st player in the alltime chart has only 36 000 points. The points can not be simply added as you are saying.

    Leguvan, i didn't get anything.
    Can you try to explain it by giving an example. Thanks.

    (By finishing 1st, i meant in the Overall-highscore not the vendor, manif. and ROI.)

    So if you finish 1st at the end of the round out of 2000 players you get 2000 point which are added to the all time chart. Is that correct?

    According to me one unit of cotton costs 2600 at level 0, 1995 at level 3 and 1390 at level 10.
    Here it is at level 0: for 5 months (12,1,2,3,4) only the operation cost and the salaries are taken into account. for 7 months (when the farm produces - 5,6,7,8,9,10,11) the cost per unit is also taken into account. But this cost per unit is distributed over the 7 months.

    Here is the formula I used:
    This will give the average total cost per month for the farm over the 12 months.
    (5*(Operation Cost+Salaries per month) + 7*(Operation Cost+Salaries per month+(Number of produced units*Cost per 1 unit/7)))/12
    When you divide this by the number of units produced you get the price per unit.

    What do you think?

    How much costs one unit of cotton to produce if the farm works 12 months? I just need to verify my calculations.
    And how much is the cost of one unit of fabric?

    Jik, what is your strategy for making so much turnover? Are you producing only end goods or also raw materials?
    What is your profit in % of the turnover?

    I am just curious because i make 3M turnover and there is no way I can do better ( I am at RL 19 now).