Beiträge von Prican

    Do you honestly think that i dont know what straightline is .......

    Thats whats wrong with some of you guys, and some of the posts that I read.
    You forget the idea, or the reality check, that this is a game, a Simulation.

    From most posts, you seem helpfull, so ill assume that your insults were un-intentional. I think something (maybe cockyness?) is preventing you from even listening to what i have to say since you only pick at small things and not my over-all picture. And I will just continue on with my life for I have proved my theories to myself and that is enough.

    TY though again for taking the time to read my posts.

    I can see your point.
    Though you are looking at the cost of one building. And i am sure if I was looking at your balance sheet then i would agree. Maybe because I'm new ( i have not gone through a reset yet) and i do not have as much revenue as you.

    But I'm looking at depreciation for several buildings. I usually buy 3 buildings at once. Lets average that to 400k each, thats only 1.2 mil spread over a year..

    Then i upgrade each, first time wont be too expensive, lets say 400k each, now thats 2.4 mil spread over a year.

    Next two months theres an average of only 200k a month or so in dep. So an even 2mil left, Then i upgrade again, 550k a pop, 2M + 1.65M = 3.65M needs to be depreciated.

    Next 3 months lets say 300k in dep, = 2.8M, upgrade again, 600k each, + = 4.6M in the account that needs to be depreciated.

    These are numbers off the top of my head, for the cheapest buildings, Steel mills for me are 500k, and upgrades are over millions. Throw in a few Resaerch Level's in there and there can be benefits. And remember my major goal was no to Drop you several tax brackets, but to avoid, spikes in taxes from one month to another.

    But i guess theres no way to avoid it all together .
    So...NVM, but thanks to all those that took the time to read.

    Well i had an idea. Hopefully very simple, and a great benefit, compared to its hassle.

    I noticed the tax issues that were mentioned before. But tax itself in the real world is very complicated. In keeping with the idea that this is a game i thought of something that would be a small change that might better balance taxes, especially in the early stages of the game.

    What if certain expenses could be capatilized, in the game, and then depreciated for a duration of time. So lets say i spent 1mil on constructing buildings, straight-line that for a year. That will spread out the tax benefit so you don't have one month with low taxes, and another month be in a higher tax bracket. Just a small aspect taken from the real world and adapted here could be a nice addition. I mention just the construction but if its fitting we can include upgrade costs, research costs, and patents. It should not however include any of the other expenses like maintenance, prod costs, storage costs, trading, etc.

    I am unsure of how practical it would be to implement. If at all for the programmers. But maybe just having one account. Then certain purchases go to that account instead of the balance sheet, and on the balance sheet, show depreciation of that account as lets say 9% of the total. So the following month the account will decrease if nothing further is capitalized, until it gets to 0.

    Suggestions, or is this just way too out there?