Beiträge von vinkolat

    Regarding the fact that it's more profitable to sell raw material than finished goods on the market, you are rigth. But i think you miss the fact that you can also sold finished goods on your own stores, where they became profitables... if your own factories produce them from A to Z.
    The real "problem" is that is far easiest to sell LOTS of goods on the market than in my store : for example, i easely sell 32 winther clothes each month on the market, which is absolutely impossible on my store with an equivalent margin (even taking account the transport cost).
    But regarding your complaint, don't forget the Offer and Demand's law. Two weeks ago, i was selling Petroleum on the market at 900. Today, it costs at least 1827. Seems that people really needs petroleum. Not to produce dolls :)

    Hi there,
    I was looking for informations about the way highscores are computed, but didn't find any.So if someone may help (maybe in the German manual, but sorry, i didn't understand it :(), in particular the "Best Vendor" table.