Textile Store Quick Start

  • So, you're new to IT and want a quick way to start. Earlier wrote a post about how to start with cafe ( IT quick start Cafe). Today I'll write about how to start with textile industry.

    There are several ways to start with textile store, but I like shoes and wool best so here it is.


    1 sheep farm - set to wool/product whse
    2 cattle ranches - set to leather/raw goods whse
    1 oil derrick - set to oil (duh)/raw goods whse
    1 chemical plant - set to rubber/raw goods whse
    1 textile industry - set to shoes/product whse
    1 textile store - set your prices to 1.5*normal price or a little less for shoes if they're oversold

    These buildings cost 2,260,000 so you'll be able to build them on day 1.

    Wishing you a good game.