Market Search Page

  • OK, I really like IT but there is one aspect that is getting tedious. Shopping for products to put in my store. I want to try for high score, and to do that I need to resell lots of stuff. But looking at all those market offers can get a bit old after a while. The addition of the "product available in market" icons helps things a lot (thanks dok) but the process is still tedious.

    My suggestion is to make a page that records your market demands. This could be located in your options screen. Then there would be a second page that would show you all the market offers that meet your criteria. This second page could be one of the options on the market page (see all offers, see finished goods, see semi-finished goods, see raw goods, see own offers, see pre-selected offers).

    I'd suggest you set up the product selection page as follows:

    Purchase Product Max Price Min ql
    [ knitting needles ] [ 5,500 ] [ 0 ]
    [ steel ] [ 10,000 ] [ 0 ]
    [ steel ] [ 15,000 ] [ 50 ]
    [enter next product ] [ ent. price ] [ enter ql ]

    [sort by .... (shop type, alphabetical..)]
    [show... (finished goods, semi-finshed goods, raw goods)]
    [Shop type.. (book shop, cafe, ...)]

    [enter new product]
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~end page~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    So, when you first show up to the page, there is only the header, one line for entry, and the filters at the bottom of the page. When the user enters a new product, the screen is refreshed and shows that product and a new product entry line. This way the user can have as many entries as they wish, and the screen only shows the products they're interested in.

    So, that's my idea: one screen to record market preferences, and another to display any offers that meet those preferences.

    One-Stroke (slow)
    No-Knots (speed)

  • Yeah, I showed more than one product entry. Sometimes people are want to pay more if higher quality is available. This is sometimes true for raw materials or semi-finished goods. This is almost always true for finished goods. So, I think the ability to request more than one criteria per item is a useful feature.

    One-Stroke (slow)
    No-Knots (speed)