Coffe, Tea, or ... White Coffee

  • I'm looking for products to fill my empty shelves. I'd like to take regular deliveries of the following (item, price, quantity)

    Coffee, 5700, 70/wu (about 1600/ calendar day)
    Tea, 4700, 93/wu (about 2,200/ calender day)
    White Coffee, 8600, 78/wu (about 1800/ calendar day)

    Cards, 7000, 10/wu (240/ calendar day)
    Newspaper, 6400, 22/wu (about 500/ calendar day)

    Naturally, I'll pay more for higher quality, and I'll accept lower quantity.

    I think it would be nice for a producer to have a buyer that they know will buy their stuff, and as a buyer, it would be nice to have a steady supply.

    Let me know if you'd like to strike up a deal.