Beiträge von One-Stroke

    As far as I can tell high score is calculated not from your actual rank in vendor, mfg, and ROI, but from your change in score.

    If a player has a vendor score of -1,000 at the beginning of a year, and -800 at the end, they'll get more points than a player who had 800 at the beginning of the year and 900 at the end.

    This seems to be true not only for the update that occurs every 24 wu, but also true in between. I've had turns where my vendor score, manufacturing score, and ROI all increased more than another player and I still got fewer high-score points. That happens when I have several hours of negative vendor score generation, and then I try to make up the points later.

    It's that time of the round again. I'm making cars and I have a large appetite for raw materials. I'll pay 10,000 for steel, rubber, plastic, or copper wire.

    I'll also pay 45,0000 for tires. Yeah, that's a lot of money for tires, but I'd rather pay through the nose for tires than make my own - it's easier to attain high score that way. So, if you like money more than score, sell me some tires.


    Are you asking for a link that will bring up a page that lists all the shops that sell the item? That would indeed be a cool link. We have something similar to that with the product overview page where you can see your inventory and see the shop prices for that item.

    I agree that it would make navigation in the game a bit faster to have link on the warehouse page that would take you straight to the shops page. Actually, I think it would be nice to have a link to the "shops" page in bar to the left. Yeah, I think I suggested that about a year ago, but it's still good.

    Another handy link I'd like to see is a link to each individual shop on the product overview page. I see it as a button on the line where you can set prices. Each line would have it's own little house-shaped button. Clicking on that button would take you to the shop that corresponds to that line.

    This idea has been suggested before, but was shot down because the events add a certain element of chance and randomness to the game.

    If you wish to know how many items it takes to get to 100%, I know of two methods. One method you can use if you expect to go over 100%. You go to donate to the newspaper with all of your stock. The next page will tell you how many you can donate. If the max donation is less than what you are trying to donate then you will fill 100% of the order.

    The other method requires copious note taking. Each time you donate to an event, you can record the quantity of the donation and the fraction of the order filled. This will give you a good estimate of how many are required to fill the order. FYI, I've discovered that low RL items require many many items to fill an order, while high RL items require less. I'll give a couple examples from my notes:

    Wooden locomotives takes about 15,800 units to fill an order
    Electric toothbrush takes about 2,400 units.

    Yes, I'm really selling engines for 25K and buying tires for 45K. There are tons of cheap engines on the market, buy 'em up and make tires instead. You'll make a lot more money that way.

    Why do I try hard to make less money? Well, I'm primarily interested in score, not money. So if you like money more than high-score, this is the deal for you.

    OMG Dok, this is great! I just started my first research with this change, and I"m floored. I used to have to plan my research around the schedule of what I was going to be doing a day or two from now. With this qued researching, I don't have to try to be at a computer on the very hour the research is done.

    This is Great!

    Thanks Dok.

    Linear equation f(x) = m*x +b

    Exponential equation f(x) = C^x +b

    In my example f(t) = 1.05^t -1

    f(t) = earnings as a function of time.
    t = time

    My example fits the definition of an exponential function exactly, therefore it is an exponential function.

    This site has a good explanation of exponential functions if you still don't understand.


    I don't know why I insist on replying to posts that are so devoid of reason.

    Please Universo, read the post carefully. If you still don't understand exponential equations you can ask for help and get educated. But please, please, please don't say it's not exponential again. The world is too full of misinformation and ignorance already.

    Best Wishes

    Sry Universo, but each building has the same profit. There is no reduction in profitability for building more buildings. I'll give an example.

    You start with a Toy shop and build tricycles. It costs 2,155,000 to set up. With sufficient quality you'll net a profit of 110,000. So, on the first day you get a 5% return.

    Later you have enough money to build a second toy shop and a second line of tricycles for 2,155,000. You'll profit the same 110,000 off the second set. Now you've invested 4,310,000 and earn 220,000 per wu. Still a 5% return.

    Making twice as much money, you will build your third shop in 1/2 the time. Making an additional 110,000 per wu. By this time you've invested 6,465,000 and profit 330,000 --> 5% hourly return on investment.

    But now you can build the fourth shop in 1/3 the time! ....

    So you see how the rate of return is a constant 5% even as more money is invested into infrastructure. This is the definition of exponential. As your company grows so does the rate of investment and so does the income. It's totaly unstable and we would all make 6E16 if we could just keep up this growth rate for 10 days. Alas, they put the 100 square limit and so ends the early exponential growth.

    The next phase of upgrading buildings is probably not exponential, but really I haven't studied it (nor will I) to see what kind of growth it is. If each level of upgrading took the same amount of time and money is surely would be exponential. But since each subsequent level takes more, it doesn't fit the exponential (or logarithmic) models easily. You would have to do further work to show what it fits.

    And the last growth phase, the RL growth. Well, that doesn't fit any known function easily either. There are points where you make more money, no more money at all, less money, and insanely more money. In the low RL's it's hard to gross 5,000,000/wu. At RL 26 you can get twice that. At RL 39 you can get 25M-40M. By RL 45-50 some people gross 50M/wu. Just look at the newspaper for proof. You'll see Jikco, Stora Enso, and others pulling down huge sums of money every wu. Again, it hasn't been fit to any known function of growth.

    In my previous post I called each of the three sections exponential, and each having a smaller exponent than the last. You noted perhaps correctly that the last two sections are not exponential. It remains to be proven that they follow any other type of recognized function though. Lacking any known function that fits, I've approximated them in my mind as exponential with a smaller exponent. Would it be better to say they are linear? Logarithmic? Maybe. Maybe not.

    In any case I'd say the point is mute. I use the terms that fit best in my mind. If you wish to argue the point further in a meaningful way, you'll have to show some proof.

    Best Wishes

    I'm at RL 42 but I can't find the crocodile handbag anywhere. I looked in my textile shop. Not there. In the product overview page. Not there. In the portal. Yeah it's there where it's always been at RL 35.

    So why isn't it in the game?

    It's that time of the round again, and I'm looking to buy lots and lots of tires. I'll spend up to 45,000 for tires and I'll buy 3,300 of them per day if I can find them.

    This high price makes tires sold to me more profitable than cars sold in stores. Why do I do this? Because I'm more interested in score than money. If you're interested in money than score, this is the deal for you.