Beiträge von One-Stroke

    The manual states:

    This bar graph displays the supply/demand relationship of a product. The supply-bar will get larger until the supply is higher than 100%, then the demand-bar will start to shrink."

    My understanding of "supply" is the quantity of products produced for the market. While I understand "demand" to be the quantity of products that the market is willing to buy. So, does this understanding of terms used in economics translate directly to IT?

    Before you answer too quickly, I have some more information:

    1. I was producing motorcycles in the speed game and selling them in my shop. The SuDe showed the market to be 89% supplied. It also showed the normal price for a motorcycle to be 95695. I started selling the motorcycles at 135,000 and everything went fine for a day or so. Then I could only sell 1 or 2 motorcycles per day. I looked at the SuDe and there was no change still 89%. I had to lower my price to 55,000 to satisfy the demand in my shop. Now, if the market demand isn't satisfied you would expect to sell your product above normal price. But that didn't happen here.

    2. I spoke to DDD about this in chat. He said that the SuDe shows what is in storage as supply. So, the SuDe graph would show the ratio of stored goods to demand. I found this explanation unsatisfactory because: a. it doesn't match my understanding of the term from economics, b. it would make the SuDe much less useful, c. It doesn't match what I've seen in the SuDe when I'm the only producer of a product.

    So I'm looking for some clarification in what the SuDe is. Is it what DDD says? Is it what I expected it to be in the beginning? If so, why couldn't I sell the motorcycles?

    No-Knots (speed)
    One-Stroke (slow)

    PS. Here are all the data surrounding the MC sales:
    Avg Sale Price : 181,566
    Avg QL : 69
    My QL : 0
    Normal Price: 95695
    My Store Price: 55,000

    For a day or so, the production-log screen showed all items that are sent to the raw goods warehouse in the upper right section. That was really nice because it gave more information on warehouse management. Would you please bring that feature back.

    One-Stroke (slow)
    No-Knots (speed)

    In the speed game there was a bug last night where people could buy RL for free. This problem has been discussed in the German forum, but my understanding of German is quite limited. The best I could tell from stdok is that at 6:20 (GMT?) he will take the proper money out of our accounts to pay for the research. I need to know if I need to keep 88 million in the bank, and when I should expect it to be taken.

    No-Knots (speed)
    One-Stroke (slow)

    I’ve started doing a fair amount of trading and I’ve noticed that I have to click many more times than one would think is required for the task. So here are some ways to change the pages to reduce the number of clicks to complete tasks.

    1. Have two sets of gold coin buttons on the market screen. One set sends the goods to the raw-goods warehouse and the other sends them to the product warehouse. As it is now, we have to buy the stuff and then transfer it.

    Now you 1, click to buy, 2 click to go to the raw-goods warehouse, 3 click to move the product, 4 click to confirm.

    With the added buy button, you’d only have to click once!

    There’s an added bonus, that you’d be able to buy one ql product and sell it without mixing it with your own ql you have in the raw-goods warehouse.

    2. Let us highlight many products at once in the market menu. Then, at the bottom of the page you could supply a “buy all selected” button. So if we wanted to buy 5 different offers of steel, we could just highlight them, and click on the the new button: 6 clicks.

    As it is now, we have to click to buy, then click back for each order. To purchase 5 different offers it now takes 9 clicks. Not only is this fewer clicks, but all those people with dial-up will really appreciate the fact that they don’t have to wait for the screen to refresh 9 times! It takes my brother’s computer about 10 seconds per refresh. This change would really help him.

    3. It would also be handy to have a “shops” button on the left bar. I know real estate on that bar is at a premium, but this would really help resalers. After you buy your product, you frequently want to go to the shop to adjust the price because you buy stuff at all different QL. Now, you have to click 1 “buildings” 2 “shops” 3 “café.” This change would reduce your clicks by 1. I know this doesn’t seem like much, but efficiency always makes for a more pleasant experience.

    4. One last suggestion. Well at least for now. :D When we select an individual final product like “coffee” it wold be nice to have our current shop price shown on the market screen, if we have a shop that sells that item. I know this isn’t always useful because of varying quality. But sometimes it’s quite handy.

    I think implementing these changes will really help grease the wheels of commerce, and make the game more efficient and more enjoyable.

    One-Stroke (slow)
    No-Knots (speed)

    Frequently after I make a transfer from the raw-goods warehouse to the product warehouse, I want to go to the product warehouse instead of the raw-goods warehouse. In the confirmation screen, could you make the words "product warehouse" into a link:

    100 Cacao were moved into Product warehouse.


    You know, it wouldn't hurt to do the same for transfers from the product warehouse to the raw-goods warehouse.


    That's great dktc. I'll take all you have. If anybody else out there has excess high quality milk, I can still buy way more than dktc will supply, so the offer still stands.


    Who says you have to research the beans to get high quality cacao or cake? Make the most of your research. Just research cacao and buy the beans from me. You'll get QL 4 cacao for the price of QL2.

    Buy them from me! Just tell me how much you want and I'll put them on the market for you. 325 for QL6 beans. Save millions in research!

    QL 12 will be available in 24 hours.

    If your interested just send a message to One-Stroke


    We have about a month until the next round begins, so I thought I might look for a partner. There is a lot of benefits to splitting research between two companies.

    The way I expect a partnership to work is that my company will research two or three products in a store, while my partner company will research some of the others. Then, in the new round, I'll make extra products and sell them for cheap to my partner (to save on shipping costs) and I'll buy cheap products from my partner.

    This product sharing will increase profits for both partners because you each get to make more of your specialty, and your stores will sell more stuff. I currently have cafe's who could sell much more coffee, white coffee, and tea.

    I plan to have QL54 icecream and QL30 cacao by the end of this round.

    I know it takes more time an money to get the coffee and tea lines up and running so in the beginning of the round I would sell more cheap products to my partner that I would recieve, but I don't mind. If we stick to the plan we'll both come out better.

    I mentioned the cafe, but I could also partner with bookstore (copybooks/newspapers) or steel. I know it doesn't make the most sense economically, but I like to make steel, so I could partner with someone who wants steel and could provide me with coffee or cards or some such thing.


    Just one more note on the colored Dots. You could include more information in the dot if you matched the color to the best color shown in the market prices.

    so, if there were green offers in the market, the dot could be green.
    If there were no green offers, but there were yellow offers, the dot could be yellow.
    Then if there were no offers it could be another color - black for example.


    Ich spreche nur englisches, französisch und spanisches, also habe ich dieses durch einen übersetzer laufen gelassen. Mir Glück wünschen.

    Ich möchte Bauxit oder jedes mögliches andere Produkt einem anderen Spieler anbieten, der auf dem RL Baum höher ist. Ich höre, daß Bauxit- und Aluminiumpreise durchaus eine Spitze in Richtung zum Ende des Spiels steigen und ich den nutzen möchte.

    Ich z.Z. stütze Buchgeschäfte und -kaffee und bilde Stahl und Gewebe für Verkauf auf dem Markt. Mein Ziel ist 30.000 Profit pro Quadrat pro wu. Wenn es ein Material gibt, kann ich an dich liefern und dieses Ziel noch zu erreichen dann können wir einen Vertrag schließen.

    BTW, habe ich viel des Geldes und des Einkommens, also könnte ich irgendein QL Forschung tun und hochwertigere Materialien liefern, wenn ich einen Partner erhalte.

    - Dave

    Ps. See the same post in english on the english side of the forum

    I'd like to offer bauxite, or any other product to another player who is higher on the RL tree. I hear that bauxite and aluminum prices rise quite a bit towards the end of the game and I'd like to take advantage of that.

    I'm currently supporting book shops and cafes and making steel and fabric for sale on the market. My goal is 30,000 profit per square per wu. If there is a material I can supply to you and still attain that goal then we can make an agreement.

    BTW, I have plenty of money and income so I could do some QL research and supply higher quality materials if I get a partner.


    I'm looking for products to fill my empty shelves. I'd like to take regular deliveries of the following (item, price, quantity)

    Coffee, 5700, 70/wu (about 1600/ calendar day)
    Tea, 4700, 93/wu (about 2,200/ calender day)
    White Coffee, 8600, 78/wu (about 1800/ calendar day)

    Cards, 7000, 10/wu (240/ calendar day)
    Newspaper, 6400, 22/wu (about 500/ calendar day)

    Naturally, I'll pay more for higher quality, and I'll accept lower quantity.

    I think it would be nice for a producer to have a buyer that they know will buy their stuff, and as a buyer, it would be nice to have a steady supply.

    Let me know if you'd like to strike up a deal.

    I use the same formula as DDD. I never verified it. To do that I'd have to investigate the farm in the growing season, and in its idle season. Then I'd have to add the costs to see if they match the formula.

    If I ever go through that exercise, I'll let you know.

    I produce excess cacao at a rate of 10/wu. I usually sell it in the market for 3700. You can sell the cacao for 1.5*normal rate in your shop (currently 4050). Nobody's buying it, so there's plenty there.
