deposit money

  • change the amount of the deposit money 5

    1. no (1) 20%
    2. yes, but a specific sum (2) 40%
    3. yes, should be unlimited (2) 40%

    due to some requests, i decide to make a poll in order to find out your opinion, if we should change the amout of the deposit money.

  • Well, if it is that, then I think that unlimited would be too much to ask.

    The game allows, in a sense, a limited amount of profit per wu. If there is unlimited interest, then people will be able to research all products to ql 100 way faster than ever.

    It would be boring, for many players, as the game could turn out to be too easy.

  • I disagree, I only have a basic setup for manufactoring and have been reseraching QL Constantly. I havent been playing long so I'm not planning on ending the game on a high ranking position. What I am trying to do is gain QL so I can get a good start for the next round. The interset rate is very low compared to investing the money in upgrading and changing production. I think that this will allow players to reserach RL quicker and I dont think this is a problem since more researched products affects supply and demand which greatly affects players profits.

    I think this would make the game better for newer players as they will be able to progress slightly quicker. I also think that people that have been playing longer will have a tougher game as a new element means new statagys.