Industry-Tycoon WU-Information Email

  • Hi there!

    I have just signed up to the Industry-Tycoon WU-Information email that is sent out every 24 hours with information on the day's information. I opened the attachment which opened in Excel. Sure, there were all the statistics of the last day, but they were all crammed into single cells, i.e. all this in the 'header cell' and not in individual cells:

    month;Building maintenance:;Salaries:;Production cost:;Construction/demolition cost:;Trading:;Storage cost:;Tax:;Research:;Miscellaneous:;Stores:;Trading:

    Is there a way of easily putting these into seperate cells, or opening it with a different programme?

    Thanks for your help!!

  • I have worked it out! Took a bit of experimenting but...

    1. Open the .csv in Excel
    2. Highlight the A column from the headings to the last WU (A1 to A25 for 24 hour version)
    3. Click on 'Data' (this is word 2007.. you can still probably do it on previous versions..)
    4. Click on 'Text to Columns'
    5. Click 'Delimited' then 'Next'
    6. Click 'Semicolon' then 'Finish'

    That should work. Just need to alter cell widths to see everything but thats how its done!