Goods still in warehouse after sale.

  • The Export section of my warehouse currently show:



    However this sale order does not show on the steel product overview or the market. It is taking up space in the warehouse but it cannot be sold or canceled.

    This may have been an order that I sent privately to another player, but I have confirmed with him as well, he does not see it either.

  • I have found your account.

    If you have the bug in the future again:
    - go in the offers
    - there you have in "Outgoing" the order. right are the button. with this buttons you can grab it back to the warehouse.

    But i dont have found the bg.
    Please, can you write me, what you do?

  • Thanks, sorted now.

    As I remember, I clicked Forward Goods from the Warehouse page, then filled in the order and sent it to v8 Industries. The order was never accepted and he reports he never saw it.

    I send a lot of orders like that and have not had the problem before. I will monitor and let you know if it happens again.